Latest rangoli designs


Sunday, 27 November 2016

      Hi this is a finger art rangoli. This is very unique to see and draw. Here I used five colours for this. This type of rangolis take very little time to draw. No need to use white rangoli powder for this. Only with rangoli colours we can draw this.

     For this no need to draw design on the floor it depends on creativity. First I have pour a little amount of light green colour at the centre. Now with one finger make it as circle and by moving side by side finger we get the centre flower.

    Draw buds on four sides of the flower and fill it with orange colour. Now take a ear bud draw a line at the centre and draw lines horizontally side by side on either side of  the line with ear bud. Now it looks like a leaf. Complete the four sides like this.

    At the four corners draw blue colour flowers repeating the same process as on the above. Draw two green leaves on top of  blue flower on four sides and keep a yellow dot at the centre of each flower.

   Now our design is completed. It looks very beautiful after completed. Hope all will try this. Thank You.   


Saturday, 26 November 2016


        Hi this is free hand rangoli. Only four colours are used for this. Green,yellow,pink,blue colours and white rangoli powder. This is very simple to draw.

        Draw design on the floor with chalk piece and apply colours to it. The design consists of 9 circles overlapped on each other in a manner. The centre circle is filled with blue colour and all the over lapped parts are filled with yellow colour. The corner circles are filled with green colour and remaining circles is filled with pink colour.

        Now filling colours is completed. Now with white powder complete the outlines as shown in the figure.Now our design is ready.Hope all will try this. Thank U.


        Hi this is another variety of poster rangoli. Here I used tirbal people concept. This is very simple to draw. Here the main theme is tribal people are carrying pots on their head and walking at the street.

       First draw a rectangle and fill it with pink colour. Using a finger outline the rectangle in a zigzag way. so that we get the design in a variety manner. Now draw the desired figure on the background colour. Here I make tribal women carrying pots on their heads and walking.

     Now our desired design is ready. We can make any type of designs like this. Hope all enjoyed this. Thank U.


Thursday, 24 November 2016

Hi today I posted different  flower garlands which we can make easily at home. These are very expensive if we buy from the market. so with little idea we can easily make them at home.

         We can make garlands with any type of flowers but the  flower must be some what thick.We can make garlands with roses, buds, marigold and leaves. First we have to get an idea to make garland, what type of flowers and what length we want. This is the basic idea.

        First we have to select flowers according to our requirement and also  the colour combinations.
After selecting desired flowers we can easily sew the garlands according to our wish.

       Today I gave five  garlands of different varieties with different flowers and leaves. The bases of  of these garlands are different. In the fourth garland the base is in a different manner with five hangings which is made of roses, buds and some leaves.

      Hope all will try this. Thank You.


Saturday, 12 November 2016

           Hi this is a special rose petal garland. This is special garland to decorate for photos or even for marriages. The colour combinations depends on our wish. We may stitch these garlands with dress matchings also. These garlands are very special to see.

         For this we need roses of different colours, needle and thread.  Take four strands of  thread to a needle so that it will be strong. First remove the rose petals of two different colours from the flowers according to our requirement. Make a knot at the end and start stitiching.

        Take four roses of different colours and start stitiching one by one as shown in the figure.
Now cut the thread at the top to make it in to two partitions. Now take the needle at one side and start stitching rose petals. Take a rose petal and bend it in to half and insert into the needle.

        Repeat the same process upto two cms and take another colour rose petals and repeat it for about 2cms and again pink petals and again orange petals. Now one side is completed.

        Now take the thread at the other side and repeat the same process. The size of the garland depends onour requirement. We can also use three different colour petals also for this.

        Thank U.


           Hi this is huge buds garland. This looks very beautiful if we decorate it to any photo or God.
These type of garlands are very expensive in the market. So we can make this at home with little cost.

           For this we need buds,roses,leaves,thread and needle. Take the measurement of the photo and take thread as per the measurement. Take a large needle and take four strands of thread to it. Make a knot at the end.Now start stitching rose flowers at the bottom. After stitching four roses cut the thread at the needle part to make it in to two partitions.

          Now take needle and insert thread at one side. Start stitiching buds roundly as shown in the figure.Make four partitiions of white buds and insert roses and leaves in the partitions. Insert 20 buds at the top of the partitions. Now one side is completed.

         Now removethe needle and insert thread in to the second side and repeat the same process.
Only we have to observe is that we have to insert roses at equal distances on both sides. Now our garland is ready to decorate.

         Hope all will try this. Thanks one and all.


Monday, 7 November 2016

     Hi this is simple snowman cartoon rangoli. This is very simple to draw. I used multiple colours for this.  It will look beautiful if we draw at our houses.

    First draw the desired design and start applying colours. I used yellow colour to the total body,blue and pink colour to the cap and red colour to the scalp. After completing filling colours complete the whole design with white rangoli powder. Apply blue colour to the eyes and orange colour to the nose. Now our design is completed.


Saturday, 5 November 2016


          Hi this is special buds,roses,marigold garland. These type of garlands we can offer to God or to decorate our elder people photos.  These garlands looks beautiful. As we see from far they will look like real beads garland.

         For this we need buds, roses, marigold,leaves , needle and thread. First take a  big needle and take two strands of thread to it and make a knot at the end. Take marigold flower,violet flower, rose flower and leaves and arrange them in  a line as shown in the figure.

       Now cut the thread at the needle to make it in to two partitions for two lines. Insert the needle to the first side and start stitching buds. At some distance of about 3cms insert three leaves and two rose flowers and again three leaves.

       Again start stitching white buds and again roses and again white buds up to our desired height. Now  remove the stem of the bud and insert the top part of the bud as shown in the figure. Now one side is completed.

      Now take the needle to the other side and repeat the process. The only thing we have to do is we have to maintain equal distances on two sides. Now our garland is ready to offer God. Hope all will try this. Thank You.


Friday, 4 November 2016

                Hi  this is a special cartoon rangoli in which a mickey mouse is carrying an umbrella. We can draw different cartoons on rangoli. Just we need an idea to draw.

                Draw the design on the floor with the help of chalk piece and start applying colours. The colour combinations gets beautiness to the rangoli.Here I used many colours for this. I applied green and orange colours to the umbrella and violet colour to the stick.

               I applied yellow colour to the face and hands blue colour to the shirt and green colour to the socks and  pink colour to the eyes.  Now our colour filling is completed.

              Now complete the outline of the whole drawing with white rangoli powder. Now our design is completed.


Thursday, 3 November 2016

               Hi  this is special cartoon rangoli. These rangolis get extra attraction to our houses if we make at homes. Children will feel happy by seeing these cartoons at the homes.

               There are many cartoon like doroman, choota beem, snowman, angel etc to draw. We can even make animal cartoons also.  First we have to draw our desired cartoon on the floor  and start applying colours. The colour combinations depends on our will and wish.

               After completing filling colours complete the whole design with white colour rangoli powder, then it will look even and beautiful. Here I draw angel cartoon. Hope all enjoyed this. Thank You.


Wednesday, 2 November 2016


           Hi this is a special rangoli with flowers. These type of rangolis bring extra beautiness to our house if we make this at homes. For this only we need some idea and flowers.

          First collect different types of flowers and start drawing design. After completion of design start filling flowers from the centre. Place the stand diya at the centre and around it fill with marigold petals and after that green leaves and after that multicoloured flowers.

Now take orange colour marigold petals and make partitions around that circle. In between the partitions fill with rose colour petals and again the outer circle is filled with green leaves and keep marigold flowers at equal distances on the outer circle.

    Now light the diyas and place them on the each partitions of rose flowers. Now our design is completed. This is well and good for diwali festival. Hope all will try this. Thank You.


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

          Hi today I posted special garland in which it was made from flower buds. It looks beautiful if we decorate to God in temples or even in our houses. These buds looks like beads from far distance.

         For this we need thread,needle, some buds, leaves and rose flowers of different colours. Take a needle and also take four strands of thread to it  of about half metre. Insert the thread in to the needle and keep a knot at the bottom.
        Take orange,yellow and rose colour roses and start insertng in to the needle. on the top of three roses tie some leaves. Now our base is ready.Now cut the thread in to two pieces at the top so that it will divide in to two parts for two sides.

       Now we get four strands on each side. Take the needle to one thread among four strands and start tieing buds of about 5cms. Repeat the process for remaining three threads. Now we get four lines as shown in the figure.

Now take away the needle and combine four threads and insert leaves, rose flowers and again leaves as shown in the figure. After repeat the same process again for about 5cms. Like this we repeat for three layers and combine four threads and insert some buds for about 5cms combining all threads. Now one side garland is ready. Now take away the needle and the repeat the same process on the other side.

        Now our beautiful garland is ready. We may take marigold flowers instead of roses depending on the availability.Thank You.