Hi this is a special rose petal garland. This is special garland to decorate for photos or even for marriages. The colour combinations depends on our wish. We may stitch these garlands with dress matchings also. These garlands are very special to see.
For this we need roses of different colours, needle and thread. Take four strands of thread to a needle so that it will be strong. First remove the rose petals of two different colours from the flowers according to our requirement. Make a knot at the end and start stitiching.
Take four roses of different colours and start stitiching one by one as shown in the figure.
Now cut the thread at the top to make it in to two partitions. Now take the needle at one side and start stitching rose petals. Take a rose petal and bend it in to half and insert into the needle.
Repeat the same process upto two cms and take another colour rose petals and repeat it for about 2cms and again pink petals and again orange petals. Now one side is completed.
Now take the thread at the other side and repeat the same process. The size of the garland depends onour requirement. We can also use three different colour petals also for this.
Thank U.
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